Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why again?

I can't believe that I'm even doing this. I mean, when you face the facts then I guess it's okay to think some more.
I recently read a page of a website that said: Why Go Veg?
I read it.
It's convinced me because of THESE reasons people: (Read on!)

-You'll ward off disease
-You'll keep your weight down (not that i care)
-You'll live longer
-You'll build strong bones
-You'll reduce your risk of food borne illness
-You'll have more energy
-You'll be more regular on your fiber. That's right, waste.
-You'll help reduce pollution
-You'll avoid toxic chemicals
-You'll help reduce famine
-You'll spare animals
-You'll save money
-Your dinner plate will be full of color
-It's a breeze

So what do you think? I want to live longer, save money, get stronger bones. I've made a decision. Right now, a secret one. I'm going veg. (Except for seafood because I love crab and lobster and fish and SUSHI!!) Good bye, meat, or should I say hello to more cows?

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